Skibiel Law


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Getting You The Money You Need

How does drowsy driving impact the safety of roads?

Decisions that drivers in Georgia make impact road safety every day. If drivers decide to get behind the wheel while tired, it can impact the safety of everyone. Unfortunately, some mistakenly think drowsy driving is not a risk. Today, we will discuss how dangerous it...

A Look at the effectiveness of the Hands-free law

A report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicated that there was a 2.3 percent drop in the number of tragic deaths caused by vehicle crashes in the year 2018 from the 1540 deaths recorded in 2017. It was by far the most significant drop recorded...

How distracting is eating while driving?

If you have been involved in a car accident in Jonesboro in which fault for the accident is immediately apparent, your first thoughts may be how could a responsible driver operate their vehicle so recklessly? Like most, you probably assume that no one gets behind the...

What are factors in motorcycle crashes?

Motorcycle riders face greater risk of injury due to the fact that motorcycles are smaller than other vehicles on Georgia roads, and also because motorcyclists are openly exposed to the outside elements, meaning that they bear the brunt of a collision more directly...

Safety tips for pedestrians and drivers

Whether you’re driving, walking or running, it’s important to stay safe. As a pedestrian, you must be on the lookout for reckless and impatient drivers. As a driver, you must be on the lookout for unfocused and distracted pedestrians.You never know...

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